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- Overview of Selectors and Filters
- Using basic jQuery selectors
- Using filters
- Using basic jQuery filters
- Attribute filters
- Content and Visibility filters
- Child filters
- Form selectors
- Traversing Document Information
- jQuery statement chaining
Overview of Selectors and Filters:
- jQuery selectors and filters retrieve contents from the documents so it can be manipulated using other functions
- jQuery selectors return an array of objects that match the selection criteria
- jQuery filters operates on a selectors to further refine the results array that the selector returns
- This array is not a set of DOM elements
- It is a collection of jQuery objects that provide a large number of predefined functions for further operating on the objects
Using basic jQuery selectors
- CSS-style selectors and filters are based on familiar CSS syntax, and work pretty much the same way as CSS does
- The CSS selectors listed here correspond directly to their CSS counterpart s
Selectors | Purpose |
tagname | Finds all elements that are named tagname |
#identifier | Finds all elements with ID of identifier |
.className | Finds all elements that have class attribute with the value of className |
tag.className | Get elements of type tag that have a class attribute with the value of className |
tag#id.className | Retrieves the tag element that has an ID of id and a class attribute with the value of className |
* | Finds all of the elements on the page |
- The hierarchy and combination selectors allow you to get a little more advanced in selecting page content
- You can select elements based on hierarchical relationships or on a series of comman criteria
Selector | Purpose |
selector, selector | Finds all of the specified selectors |
.class1.class2 | Finds all elements with both .class1 and .class2 applied |
Parent>child | Finds all child elements that are direct children of elements of type parent |
Ancestor descendant | Finds all descendant elements that are contained within elements of type ancestor |
Prev + next | Finds all next elements that are next to prev element |
Prev ~ siblings | Finds all sibling elements that come after prev and match the siblings selector |
Using filters
- Filters work with selectors to provide even more fine-grained control over how elements are selected in the document
- jQuery filters fall into six different categories
- Basic: Provides basic filtering, like getting the first, last, and even- and odd-numbered items in a returned set
- Content: Filters a set of elements based on the content, like whether an element contains a particular string
- Visibility: Filters a set of elements using the visibility setting of each element as a test
- Attribute: Examines a given attribute on an element to determine whether it should be filtered out
- Child: Selects elements based upon their relationship with their parent element
- Form: Provides specialized filters that operate on form elements
Using basic jQuery filters:
- You can refine a selector by including elements that match certain conditions, like position or index
Filter | Purpose |
:first | Selects only the first instance of the selector’s returned set |
:last | Selects only the last instance of the selector’s returned set |
:even | Selects only even-numbered elements in the selector’s returned set |
:odd | Selects only odd-numbered elements in the selector’s returned set |
:eq(n) | Filters out elements that are not positioned at the given index |
:gt(n) | Includes elements that are past the given index |
:lt(n) | Includes elements that are before the given index |
:header | Selects all header elements (H1, H2, H3, etc) |
:animated | Selects all elements that are currently being animated in some way |
:not(selector) | Includes elements that do not match the given selector |
Attribute filters:
- You can filter the results of a selector statement based on attribute content
Filter | Purpose |
[attribute] | Includes elements in the result set if they have the specified attribute |
[attribute=value] | Includes elements in the result set if they have the specified attribute and it has the given value |
[attribute!=value] | Includes elements in the result set only if they have the specified attribute and it doesn’t have the given value |
[attribute^=value] | Includes elements that have the specified attribute and it starts with the specified value |
[attribute$=value] | Includes elements that have the specified attribute and it ends with the specified value |
[attribute*=value] | Includes elements that have the specified attribute and it contains the specified value |
[attrFilter1][attrFilterN] | Includes elements that match all of the specified attribute filters |
Content and Visibility filters:
- You can examine the content of selected elements or their visibility property to determine whether they should be included or excluded from the final set
Content filter | Purpose |
:contains(text) | Filters the selection to only include elements that contain the text string |
:empty | Filters the selection to only include empty elements |
:has(selector) | Matches elements that contain at least one element that has the specified selector |
:parent | Matches all elements that are parents (i.e. they contain at least one other element, including text) |
Visibility filter | Purpose |
:visible | Filters the selection to only include visible elements |
:hidden | Filters the selection to only include hidden elements |
Child filters:
- You can refine a selector by examining the relationship each element has with its parent element
Filter | Purpose |
:nth-child(index) :nth-child(even) :nth-child(odd) :nth-child(equation) | Matches elements at index, or even or odd increments, or who match an equation of the form Xn+M (e.g., 2n or 3n+1) |
:first-child | Matches elements who are the first child of their parent |
:last-child | Matches elements who are the last child of their parent |
:only-child | Matches elements who are the only child of their parent |
Form selectors:
- You can use form selectors to deal with form elements
- They work like other selectors but start with a colon (:) like a regular filter
Selector | Purpose |
:input | Finds all input, select, textarea, and button elements |
:text | Finds all text elements |
:password | Finds all password elements |
:radio | Finds all radio button elements |
:checkbox | Finds all checkbox elements |
:submit | Finds all submit elements |
:reset | Finds all reset elements |
:image | Finds all image elements |
:button | Finds all button elements |
:file | Finds all file upload elements |
- You can perform additional filtering of form elements, such as whether items are checked, selected, or enabled
Selector | Purpose |
:enabled | Matches all form elements that are enabled |
:disabled | Matches all form elements that are disabled |
:checked | Matches all form elements that are checked (radiobuttons and checkboxes) |
:selected | Matches all form elements that are selected |
Traversing Document Information:
- You can traverse the information returned from a document easily
Function / Property | Purpose |
Size(), length | The number of elements in the jQuery result set |
get() | Returns an array of all matched DOM elements. Useful if you need to operate on the DOM elements themselves instead of using built-in jQuery functions |
get(index) | Access a single matched DOM element at a specified index in the matched set |
find(expression) | Searched for descendent elements that match the specified expression |
each(fn) | Execute a function within the context of every matched element |
jQuery statement chaining:
- One of jQuery’s most powerful features is its ability to chain multiple functions together to perform several operations in one line of code
statement chain
statement chain
In the next blog we will learn how to manipulate the page contents using jQuery.
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